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Olivia Bruner : The Family Compass (Heritage Builders)

Author: Olivia Bruner
Title: The Family Compass (Heritage Builders)
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 201
Date: 1999-08
ISBN: 1564767817
Publisher: Cook Communications Ministries Intl
Weight: 0.6 pounds
Size: 5.5 x 8.4 x 0.7 inches
Edition: First Edition
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Previous givers: 3 jenny (USA: TN), Kim (USA: MD), Kim (USA: MD)
Previous moochers: 3 Trivium Academy (USA: SC), Lee (USA: SC), 3-4Jubilee (USA: CA)
Description: Product Description

Discover the importance of giving your children a Spiritual Compass.

Many parents feel intimidated by the assignment to give their kids the compass of a Christian world view:

Those raised without religion don't know how to discuss spiritual topics with their kids.
Those bored with church as kids refuse to put their own children through the ritual and rigor of religious instruction.
Those who try to teach the faith to their children soon become overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

The Family Compass can help Christian parents develop an easy to understand "theology of parenting" and a user-friendly plan for giving their children a spiritual compass. Filled with practical ideas for passing the faith to kids of all ages, this book is designed to help you put into practice the biblical instruction to talk about God as you "sit at home . . . walk along the road . . . lie down and get up . . . ." Discover how wrestling with your son, playing a game with your daughter, or watching a movie together can become an opportunity to point your child's spiritual compass toward God.

Kurt and Olivia Bruner have three young sons, giving them hands-on opportunity to put the Family Compass principles into practice. Kurt is co-founder of the Heritage Builders Association, a network of families committed to passing a strong spiritual legacy to the next generation. A vice president with Focus on the Family, Kurt has co-authored Your Heritage and the best-selling Family Night Tool Chest series. Olivia is a former school teacher and stay-at-home mom who enjoys speaking to women about the importance of being an intentional parent. The Bruners live in Colorado Springs.

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